Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happily Ever After. Our Anniversary.

Ben took me to " Our hotel" its where everything has ever happened.  Its our spot.  We went shopping, ate out, went to the book store, relaxed, went to get foot massages/ pedicures,went to the movies, it was perfect.  I loved it. Ben always said to me " Kel the first two years are the hardest, and we're going to get through it happily"  and look at us:)  two years being married. Known the guy for 8 and im still in love with him as i was when i first saw him in the atrium at woods cross walking alone in those black pants and his shaggy hair. :)  he has been so wonderful to me. Never once has he gone without saying sorry first, he is ALWAYS the one who says sorry first even if he didn't do anything wrong, He is ALWAYS honest.. and i mean it.. when i tell him just lie about this just this once lol he says, " I wont lie" he has taken care of me to the fullest extent and has been that example to me that i have always needed in my life.  I LOVE THIS MAN.   I am glad we " work it" and im glad and comfortable knowing that this man will never leave me and we are going to be together forever.  He is the best father, and husband and friend anyone could ever ask for. He goes above and beyond for me. And not once has he ever raised his voice at me. I could never ask God for a greater blessing than Benjamin and My sons. Thank you Benji for all you do. I love you. 

My gift to him :)

Chocolates, a Sea shell bracelet and a card that made me cry. <3

His present to me. :)

Hyper as can be.

At the book store) just chilling out. One of our most favorite things ever.


Yes...he was way comfy:)