Saturday, October 5, 2013

Taco Temple Tuesdays

Yes. The time came where we did Taco Temple Tuesdays.
I loved spending time with My brother  Taylor and Ben and Guy. Going to the temple was awesome, like it is every time i go.  After words, we went back to our house and got Tacos, it was awesome. Like always :)  I just love spending time with friends and family. Amazing times.

Halloween is coming up right around the corner.  And instead of hating it like every other year, i decided to embrace it. I just dont like the " scary costumes " they are terrible, and devilish, literally! I dont ever want to see my children  in those outfits, thats a rule in my house. Anyways,  so i found some humorous things.

I looked out the window and what did i see....SNOW....I hate snow, with a passion beyond any other..But the kids love it, so..that means i get to go buy cute boots for all of us :) 
My birfday is coming up!! And Ben is using our free roundtrip vacation that we won, to take me to cancun:)  I cant wait!  A week in paradise where there is no snow!?  Sounds heavenly!!  I cannot wait. He got his vacation days.  For all that we have been through lately, i'm glad God is watching over us.  
Hearing about the government shut down was weird, than i realized that im so grateful, we own the house, and have our own insurance, a awesome high paying job, etc.. i feel bad for those who live on food stamps and wic, it breaks my heart that the government would actually do that to people and infants who rely on that help there... it makes my heart break. Stupid government. Obama really has made things worse... i used to think he was awesome, but he is taking away our constitutional rights..literally.  And oh get this, He made a national Gay day...ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That disgusts me.. that just lets our children know and think its okay to support that!  Ew, No! All the gays want all this support and they use our own religion against us when we have different opinions other than theirs, the bible it clearly states, " we were made in gods own image"  so....was god gay?  I THINK NOT! It also tells us stories of all the crimes commited in those days and homosexuality was one of them. I think Gays are dumb. And they can take all the offence they want and call me narrowminded etc. But it wont change the way i feel, nor anyone else. So please, get mad at me for saying that, by all means, it just shows how idiotic you are..

Here are some pictures of other things :) and yes he is wearing a jacket which worst enemy is coming...SNOW