Sunday, April 29, 2012

Learn to appreciate life better.

Another Day and another memory has come into my mind.  My little Shiloh is growing up so fast. ( and i know he is only 8 weeks old ) but seeing that smile pop up on his face and him start to " coo" and be more aware just makes my heart melt.  He is so much different than my little Jasper was. But im learning more and more about motherhood and what it takes and what each and every mother ( for the most part) has to deal with, Mothers should get respect. They put their whole being into their children. They are selfless, honorable. ( most of them)  and i just love being a mom. Most people take for granite each day. Me? yes i admit i do sometimes too. Im human. but i've realized that the more time i spend with my kidlets the more i learn to appreciate myself, life,  and my own mother.   Its hard. Its stressful and puts a strain on marriage ( at times) , life etc but if you really look deep into it and just love every moment and try and make it the best, i PROMISE YOU you will learn to love life even more.