Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Being a Full time Mom.

I hear from all different places that being a mom is not a job. Its a chore.

Are you serious? It is SO not a chore....and yes..if mothers got paid to do what they do, we would all be billionaires.   
Hearing things like that, or mom shaming is definitely not okay in my book. 
Its the most disrespectful thing you EVER could say to a mom.  

Let me tell you a story..

There was a very independent girl. She always had a job and did well at what she did.  She was a very wild and free spirit who planned weddings for a living.
One day she got the news she was going to have twin babies. She and Her prince were so happy. 

One day she miscarried and the pregnancy took a turn.. she had to quit her job and take it easy.
When that baby boy was born, everything changed..
She changed him, 
she soothed him,
She cared for this little one
and she above all LOVED him
he showed signs of wanting someone to play with 

a year later, She got told she was pregnant with twins.  
she miscarried, again.... then a miracle happened... 
after she had to get a D.N.C, she went in a week later for a follow up...and was told there was a healthy fetus still in there...Our little Shiloh.
His name means * From God* 

He was born, and everything changed... 
His personality is so hard at times... so trying.... so exhausting. His needs were completely different from those of Little Jazzy mans.   

She decided she wanted to spend every waking moment with her children and was lucky enough to have that opportunity.  Her husband was very wealthy and educational man. 
She decided to stay home.
Yes, to deal with the tantrums, the cleaning, the laughter, the soccer games, the birthdays, the constant fighting and teasing, the emotional roller coaster and preschool, and regular school, taking them to appointments, having play dates, making sure that their needs were 100% met. 

That is what a mother does.

Im going to write down what I DO on a daily basis.

- Breakfast
-let dogs out
- dishes
- Take Shiloh to preschool
- spend one on one time with Jazzy man
-let dogs out
- Go get Shiloh
-Take Jasper to Kindergarten
-spend one on one time with Shiloh
- clean kitty litter
-Go get Jasper from school
-clean the kitchen
-let dogs out
-fit a movie in 
- Vaccume
- errands
- sweeping
- making sure kids get outside time
- babysitting
-  Get dinner ready
- bath time
-story time-
and when bedtime rolls around....

Really? You would think right?  Nope...
Shiloh still gets up 9 times a night. It gets so tiring. So hard. 
my patience gets tested more then you will ever know... And it gets SO hard... especially with my own health.
But I do it.
For free. Not because it is a chore. But because it is my responsibility to raise these beautiful children in LOVE.    I do not get paid, I have put my own needs last to make sure these children get what they need in life... your mom and dad did it ( hopefully) and now it is my turn.. 

My children are awesome. I wouldnt change it. But bottom line is,
Never tell a woman that being a stay at home mom isnt a job.

What is a job to you?  Answer that and then look at what a mom does.