Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My happiness is found within the walls of my home and family.

Sorry it has been such a long time since i wrote last. I really have a ton to say. First off.  We booked a trip to Jamaica!!!  My life dream has been to go to the Carrabiean.  And i finally decided now was the time. Before we get into our dream house and before the kids can remember we went hahaha. I honestly dont know how im going to live a week with out seeing them!  I could barely stand 3 days!  :D Passports were the hard part. hahaha i was stupid enough to book the flight and trip before we got the stupid passports... so we rushed ordered them and they will be here by June 14th. We leave on July 1st and stay till the 7th. 
Jasper is seriously pushing the limits on everything hahaha.  Drew on the tv and laptop with marker. And movies don't keep him still anymore And he always wants to play with the neighbor boys. " Mom, friends?"  . I guess he is growing up eh? Geeze one more year and he will be in preschool.   We got him a toddler bed and a big boy potty:)  Has not gotten out of his bed once and loves it. He actually sleeps better.  The potty still needs some work :p but he will get there!  Fast learner.
Shiloh is now 3 months and is very hard to keep happy. Very cholicy and fusses often. Always needs to be held. And wakes up when you set him down. We have tried to break him of the habit, but he is just set in stone with it. But when he is happy, the whole world knows it. He has such a beautiful smile. i cannot believe i got so lucky with two wonderful little boys!  God sure has blessed me! Even though they are hard and a trial sometimes, the good times are more and i learn every single day and become more happier with my life. Being a mom is what i was supposed to do. And being a wife is what i love doing. 
My health is doing alot better. Cancer is out of the ovaries :) And i'm more active.