Monday, February 27, 2012

Good News? oh wait..thats another week... grrr

Ok.. so i get it.. This baby is not ready to come out yet..thats fine.. whatever...  even if his due date was two weeks ago.. i get it.. BUT SERIOUSLY!!!!! Cummon!!! I feel i have been a trooper keeping this baby inside of me and keeping him healthy and happy.. maybe to comfortable.. i think its time for him to come. He obviously gets his procrastination skills from his father or just the Miller side ..PERIOD. they all are procrastinators. The Schnebly side is " Lets go get things done. NOW. Sooner the better" I cant help but wonder if we will have another Ben baby or maybe even get a Kelly baby. 

SO I GET INDUCED NEXT WEEK! i know induction is somewhat irresponsible to some people.. buuut he should not be this late.. no matter how comfy he is, it will not be as comfy as he will be in my arms. i promise that. 

The doctors say he is almost up to 7 1/2 pounds now.. 
Peachy  now i really am considering a c section.. there is no way in crap i am going to be able to push out an 8 pound baby... buuut....good news is i broke the record.. My biological family on both sides have only carried 5 pound babies... so... thats good news. But i guess we will see.   I still think my doctor is crazy.. 

He said i would have had the baby already if he was not oblique.  I have real contractions and i go into labor but he is sideways kinda so he doesn't push out he pushes down on my hip bones and IT HURTS! they tried to move him.. "tried"  and right as they did , he went straight back to the position he was originally in... i wonder where he gets that  He is not in distress or anything he just likes to push my buttons and the doctors.. i think he is getting to comfortable.. what do you think?  Never in my life will i ever have another baby. Its been to hard on my body. I've been holding on a thin string for a long long time.