Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spring cleaning and kids..and a kiss on the bum

Ok so when you spring clean ( or clean anything for that matter) when you have a toddler or kids. I swear its literally IMPOSSIBLE to keep it clean.  I cannot even express how hard it is to keep a floor yet alone the walls clean. hahah BUUUT it got done none the less and stayed clean for 20 minutes!:D an accomplishment.
Ben and I went to see the Avengers tonight and it was pretty much amazing! I got chills basically the whole movie! Thor and Iron man are pretty much HOT... and the hulk is STEAMY!! I will never stop having a crush on Mark Ruffalo.. ( the guy who plays the hulk)
Funny story. Jasper today fell off the couch and landed on his butt,  he started screaming  and i said
Me: Where do you want me to kiss to make it better?
Jazz: My bum
Me: you want me to kiss your bum better?
Jazz: yes mom

The pleasures of being a mom. So to stop his screaming i gave him a peck on the bum hahaha and he stopped crying:)  its those cute moments where you feel like the hero :)   I love Jasper. Oh so much:) A kiss always makes things better no matter what :)
Shiloh is growing up a storm.. he only sleeps though if im holding him.. if i set him down he screams bloody murder and we have done everything to try and break him of this habit. ugghhh!! Still a cutie though.  